B6 Rings for Planner Peace

Today Lights Planner Action is bringing you the newest size to challenge your path to planner peace. B6 Rings are here and they're fabulous! With just enough space to fit three full EC sized columns across each page, this size is the perfect medium sized planner for folks who want to use their sticker kits each week! Today I'll discuss how we got to this new place and what it means for you!

If there is one thing I can say for certain, it's that I've never truly found peace in a size other than B6. I've tried every size ring planner - starting with Personal, working up to A5, and then back down to pocket, no luck there. I've tried just about every TN size with the exception of personal, because I already knew I didn't like it from my experience with rings, and I just keep coming back to B6.

But prior to today, B6 only existed on a travelers notebook set up. And while I LOVE my strings, there are days when I miss the easy interchangeability of rings. The closest thing to B6 in ring option has long been the personal wide rings layout. But if you follow me on any of my channels, you know my incredible disdain for this size. Largely in part to the width of the insert - it's wide, but not quite wide enough to capture 3 EC sized columns, the way B6 does.

And so, after a lovely Italian dinner with friends in NYC, myself and a few other planner aficionados decided that B6 Rings needed to exist. And it needed to be designed in a way that didn't lose the space for those three, all important, EC sized columns! Well my friends, that's what I have here for you today! B6 Rings is now available in my shop, across all the layouts you can already purchase in B6 TN size. YES, that includes my boss babe and PR babe designs, budget planner and all the weeklies your heart desires.

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Now, because this is a new size, I wanted to create some graphics to help clarify any questions you may have about how it will fit into new or existing planner set ups. Below I have shared an infographic I think covers everything you might be wondering! Of course if you have any questions, you can always email lightsplanneraction@gmail.com for more information. Also, check out the end of this post for a list of places you can purchase your B6 Ring planner from!

LPA B6 Rings Q&A FAQ Sheet

Where to shop for B6 Ring Planners?

I will continue to update this list as more shops add B6 Rings to their line up, but for now, here are three places you can score a B6 Ring planner and because everyone loves to save, I've even included promo codes for the shops that I know have them:

Imperfectly Perfekt - Leather B6 Ring Options available on Etsy - IP opens every Sunday at 5pm EST, make sure to join her FB group for more information about her sales process.

Northbranch Leather - Leather & Suede B6 Ring Options on her site - Make sure to use code BESS10 to save yourself $10 on your first order.

BlissBagBoutique - Vinyl B6 Ring Options on Etsy - Technically BBB hasn't added B6Rings to her site just yet, but it's coming in the next few days, and her prices are really affordable so I wanted to list now so you could favorite for later!

Wishing you luck on your path to planner peace! Make sure to check back for more B6 Ring shopping links as they become available!

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