Hey, hey paper lovers! It’s Bess here from Lights Planner Action, and today, I'm diving deep into a topic that's close to my heart: journaling. Over the last five years I've been sharpening my journaling skill and I'm happy to share what's worked for me today!
Before We Start: Please know, this is my journaling method. It's what works for me. And after sharing this method with many people over the last few years, I can say with confidence - it works for a LOT of people.
But we should always be open to trying new things, taking what works, and leaving what doesn't. If only half of my method resonates for you today, that's ok. Take what works, and leave the rest! And don't be afraid to modify your practice each time you journal. You may need more or less of something - this is not a strict practice, there are no rules, simply do what works for you.

Why We Struggle with Journaling: Let’s get real for a second—journaling isn’t always as magical as it's portrayed. We get hung up on this idea that it has to be perfect. There should be life lessons and witty commentary - as if you're writing a future movie or bestseller. But let’s ditch that notion. Your journal isn’t likely to end up as a bestseller (and that’s totally okay!). It’s meant for your eyes only—maybe your therapist’s too—but mainly, it’s just for you.
Redefining Consistency: One of the biggest myths I want to bust today is about consistency in journaling. We’ve all been there, starting a journal with gusto and then... crickets. Life happens! But here’s a liberating truth: consistency doesn’t mean every day; it means every time you need it. It's about using this tool in your arsenal to cope with the highs and lows of life.

Journaling on Your Terms: Think of your journal as a tool, like a hammer. You don’t use the hammer every day, but you’re grateful to have it when you need it. Apply the same logic to your journal. Use it when it serves you, whether that’s during moments of overwhelming joy, sadness, or the mundane in-betweens.
You're not a bad hammer user, for only using your hammer when you need it. The same goes for journaling.
A Practical Guide to Journaling: Now, let’s get practical. If you're staring at a blank page unsure where to start, here’s a simple method:
Get Proud: Write down three things you are proud of.
Life doesn't offer us many opportunities to make people proud after the age of 16.... But we can take pride in our self, by recognizing all our little wins. Because at the end of the day, it’s easier to do the hard things if you know someone is going to see and appreciate it.
Practice Gratitude: Next, list three things you're grateful for.
As humans, we're hard wired to look for threats, keeping ourselves safe is our basic survival instinct. So our brain doesn’t intentionally look for the good. BUT we can train it to. And that’s what gratitude journaling does. You’re training it and building that muscle memory to look for good as much as you witness the bad.
A Note to Self: Write a letter to yourself as if you're writing to a friend.
This might feel awkward at first, but write a letter to yourself addressing your current worries or celebrate your strengths. It’s a powerful form of self-empathy and reassurance. We write from the POV of a friend, because we tend to be kinder and more empathetic to our friends, than ourselves.
Looking Ahead: Pick just one small thing you can do tomorrow to make your day a success.
It can be something related to what you wrote in your letter - or just something general you want to work on. But only pick ONE thing. And if you accomplish that one thing, you've got something to be proud of in your next entry!

Journaling is a journey, not a destination. It’s about finding what works for you and allowing yourself the space to explore your inner world, without judgment. Remember, the most important audience for your journal is you. So grab that pen, open up to a fresh page, and start writing your story, one word at a time.
Inspired to start your own journaling adventure? While any notebook can serve as a journal, The Bess Mental Health Journal is specifically structured around the prompts I've listed above. It’s designed for those who want the benefits of structured self-reflection without the hassle of setting up each page. Check out our full line of mental health journals here.